Well this week's post is going to be the shortest because honestly, we have been VERY VERY lazy this week. We didn't leave the house except to go to our own little beach. Our only big excitement was that Curtis's birthday present from Grandma Webster finally showed up. He was so very excited, it is all that he could talk about since he knew that Grandma was sending it in the mail. I've even been so lazy that I didn't even take the camera with me to the beach so I have no pictures of the kids at the beach this week.
He wouldn't even slow down enough for me to take pictures so I was just snapping away, that is why the pictures are not the best. He loved that it came in a large box and then still a wrapped present in the box.
He doesn't have his shirt on because we were on our way out the door to go to our beach when the mailman came. Thanks Grandma for the great present, he LOVES it and so do the rest of the kids.
I was doing the dishes-by hand-I have to add and was looking out the window and there was Jake just hanging out relaxin' in the lounge chair. So I grabbed my camera and took a shot thru the window (hence the grainy look, it is shot thru the screen). I just thought it was cute, because he doesn't slow down very often, so I had to get proof.
Our nightly rictual: Getting the kids to slow down and start getting ready for bed. We pull out the bed, and pick ourselves a movie. The best $30 we've spent, there was no DVD player so we went to Sams and bought us one. I don't know how our parents survived without DVD players. It makes for a great 1 1/2 hour break from all the noise.
Last weekend was the HUIKILAU for Laie Days and this weekend was the little carnival, with live entertainment and blowups and one ride. The kids thought it was great and we thought it was great because it was completely free. The kids (keiki in hawaiian) could do anything they wanted for free! What a great party, I do have to say that hawaiians know how to throw a great party!
(you can't really tell by this picture but it is a shark coming out of a wave and snapping his jaw around a boat)
I have never seen quite the inflatable as this one. It was so cool, it had lots of different things to "tackle" inside. They (workers) would let 4-6 kids in at a time and give them about 3 minutes of play time inside. It was fun to watch the kids running around doing the different things inside. This one had the longest lines so we only did this once. You can see the kids in the bottom left corner.
Here was a climbing wall that was also free, I never could justify paying the price to let the kids try one so this was great that they got the chance to try it. Only Bailee and Curtis wanted to try it. Jon took the other 2 to another ride.
Curtis getting all hooked up to tackle the wall. It was able to take 3 different kids up so the line didn't take as long as I thought it would.
Bailee's turn to get all hooked up! This party was in the Foodland parking lot (local grocery store just down the street from our house) It was paced!
Curtis trying to get to the top of the wall, with Bailee catching up to him. Both of the kids liked it but said that it was harder than it looks than standing at the bottom.
This is where Jon and the other two went to while we were waiting in line over at the climbing wall. These little cars also spinned while it went around in a circle. Not my kind of ride, I can't stand the tea cups and this looked to much like that. They (workers) wouldn't let it spin because Jake was to small so they just went around and around. Jake and Kenadee really liked it. Later they (Jon and the 3 older kids) went on it again and spun around like crazy. Jake wanted to go back to the inflatables so I wasn't able to see them spin themselves into oblivion.
I could never get Kenadee to face me so I was only able to get her back side of her head.
These two little ya-hoos waiting to go on this ride. I don't know how they rode this so many times. Jon took the other two kids and went wandering around while we waited in line for their turn.
Not a very good shot but you can tell that they are having a great time trying to spin it around. They said it was kind of hard because it was going so fast in a circle that they had a hard time trying to get theirs to spin.
Bailee was laughing so hard, by the time she came to me I wasn't able to get a better close up picture of them.
This is what Jake & I stood in line for. He has such great balance, maybe it's his low center of gravity, but this kid amazes me. Some kids in there with him were trying to tell all the others to quite jumping because they couldn't keep their feet under them and then their is Jake running circles around them and laughing the whole time.
Our last trip down the slides. Nothing can stop this kid, he wasn't very happy about having to leave to go home to eat dinner.
Kenadee and Curtis waiting for their turn to go thru the maze to get to the slide. Laie days was great they had some great entertainment and inflatables, and again all FREE!!! It doesn't get any better than that.
Well like I said this is it for this week. This is what happens when you get lazy in Hawaii and you have a beach out your front door. We had some great times at the beach and have had quite the run in with jelly fish at our beach. Actually they are called Portuguese man of war. They are a relative of the bigger jelly fish but they still stink, just ask Bailee. We have taken care of (yes killed, well thrown into the bushes) about 90 this week. They are about the size of a dime to a quarter. They look like little clear balloons with blue ribbon on the bottom and then a blue tail. Some tails are long and some are short, now we know what to look for and it hasn't been to bad. Well next's weeks adventures are going to be great. Grandma Webster is coming to visit us on WEDNESDAY and we are so very excited to be having a visitor.
What a fun experience for your family. Kinda like a nice looooong vacation. In a way-
Greg's cousin's Jenny and Kevin Castle just moved there a week or so ago. If they are at your church, say hi.
Enjoy your August!
It looks as though you guys are enjoying yourselves so much that you may never return!! Can't wait to have you guys back in good ol Utah again. Take care, and throw some jelly fish for me!!
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