Saturday, June 27, 2009

It's a Crazy life!!!

Well I know that I haven't been very good with the whole posting thing but I am really going to try and be better. So I thought that I would catch you up AGAIN on the things that have been going on in our family over the past six months. I know that it is a lot but you are going to love it. So bring on the next six months. Here we goooooo!!!


In the picture above Kenadee is next to the really tall girl. She is on the right side of her. In the picture on the bottom this is there ending pose. Kenadee is in the middle of the two front girls.
You have to look really close to see Kenadee. She does such a great job at dancing. This is what she was made for. She looked really cute in her costume to.

PM retreat with Jon's work. I will post some more of this later. Jon's company takes all the Project Managers and their wives on a trip for 4 days once a year. This year we went to Las Vegas. We took a helicopter tour into the Grand Canyon where we landed down by the river and had a picnic lunch. Some of the people with us didn't enjoy the ride very much and got really sick.
This is where we landed for our picnic. It was awesome!!
These are a bunch of the Helicopters that the tour place had it was cool to see them all lined up in a row like that.Another view from the helicopter.Hoover Dam
Hoover Dam, this is the view from the helicopter.

Jon and I in the back of the helicopter. I got to sit right next to the window. It almost felt like you were flying.

This is the helicopter that we got to fly in. It fit 6 of us plus the pilot. We didn't have a very good pilot, he didn't let us talk with each other or even ask him questions, kind of made for a long flight. IT was awesome though!
IF you look really close you can see how dirty Jake is. We had a ton of rain and that made our camp extremely muddy. The kids didn't seem to mind.

That white stuff that you see is actually HAIL we were down south and we had the weirdest weather. We had it all. Rain, flash floods, cold temperatures and more rain. It was crazy!!

What an amazing sight. I still couldn't believe it. It was going so fast, and very dirty.

We were heading back to our camp from Goblin Valley and we came across this flash flood. I have heard about them but never actually saw one. We had to wait close to 45 minutes before the water went down enough to drive through. If you want to see pictures of us driving through go to my sisters blog-Michelle and Ricky This is what the girls all did while we were waiting, eat and eat. It was great! We always take a cooler of snacks, lunch and drinks. It was a really good thing that we did especially on this trip. We also learned a lot of things that we need to always carry with us.

Jake had to be right in the middle of all the action. He thought that he was helping. Unfortunately a 2 year old isn't all that helpful.

It just wouldn't be a camping trip with my family if something didn't break down. This was a dousy of a break down. We ended up being stranded until 11pm. By the way we left camp around 1pm. Let's just say it was quite the adventure. One we will never forget.

Whenever we would stop and there was sand around the kids loved to play in it. It was great sand to really fine and the kids had a riot playing in it. Curtis had fallen asleep on the four wheeler so he didn't get to play in the sand.

I don't know exactly what Jake is doing but he sure is cute doing it.

I just realized that these pictures are of two different times that we went to Goblin Valley. The first time we went with my mom and dad to try out our new trailer and then we went with my sister and her family and friends for Memorial Weekend. So a few pictures from each trip. All the really bad weather was from Memorial weekend.
She sang songs and had a speaking part. Her kindergarten teacher asked me to take pictures with her camera so that she would have them, so I got more pictures with her camera than I did with mine.

Kenadee's class around her, she isn't wearing her glasses because earlier that week she snapped them in half. Not good!!

I took a lot of other pictures but because they were on a stage the lighting was really bad and I didn't get good shots. Sorry about that.

What cute boys, these two are so funny together. Gotta love them, they have so much fun together. DO you like the matching shirts? Curtis went over to Hunter's before his program so Hunter wanted to wear the same shirt as Curtis. I guess that's what happens when me and Michelle go shopping together!

Curtis and Hunter doing there parts together!

I can't believe that you are already two, and boy do you have a great little personality and can be quite a handful. Still love ya buddy!

At least he was trying to share. He has finally caught on to opening presents!

Eat it up buddy, you're 2!!

What cute kids! Can you believe that this is April and look at all the snow. It was crazy and while we were there it snowed another foot. Crazy weather! Gotta love Utah spring weather.

Kenadee wanted to stay inside and play cards with her dad instead of playing outside in the snow with the other kids.
Jake loved to play out in the snow. We had the 2 bedroom so we had the deck out back which was great for Jake. We could let him loose outside but still keep him contained. What a cutie!!
Playing cards, how young is to young to play with face cards!

This is the kids favorite place to play when we are at the cabin. It is a fort that somebody made. This time with all the snow it was even more fun to play in.
Bailee our oldest got baptized this year. I am so glad that I have such a great husband that is able to perform this sacred ordinance. It was such a great day.

This is the dress that Bailee picked out, she looked so adorable in it. I can't believe that my little girl is old enough to get baptized.
This is what Bailee wanted for her big 8th birthday. She finally got her ears pierced! Ya hoo!! She said it didn't even hurt. She must be tougher than me, cause I remember it hurting.
We kind of spoiled her for her 8th birthday, but it is such a special birthday. She also got to take about 8 friends to Classic Skating and play for 2 hours. She had a great time!
Her cake was a Hannah Montana Cake, kind of hard to tell. Here are some pictures of her and her friends skating, not the best pictures in motion.

Bailee getting to blow out her candle. We did just a number eight just to make it easier. This was such a great place to have a party because one-not at my house, 2-they do all the clean up-and 3-they provided the entertainment and paper products. Doesn't get any better than that.