Friday, May 6, 2011

Better late than never....

Webster Family Activites
Finally got around to getting the Easter festivities on: so we will start by doing the Webster side (these are for you Stef) Each year my mom and Stef put together an Easter egg scavenger hunt. The kids each have their own clues and search all over the yard and house. So here's Jake starting with his first clue...
Bailee reading her clue, she has started loving wearing baseball hats, so the only hats that we have that fit kids are Curtis's baseball ones-hence the White Sox, it really should be Yankees but we are working on that
Kenadee getting some help from Erin...
These two when they are together are inseparable, she likes to boss around and he loves to take it. Wish he would listen to me as well as he listens to his cousin. Maybe I should take advice from her
Curtis and Great-grandma working together
We also celebrated all the April birthdays, so that includes our little Jake, he just loves to get presents
Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt
each year our neighborhood puts together an egg hunt and you don't have to participate if you don't want to, those that do sign up and then we get a map of the homes that wanted to participate, the kids love it!
Kenadee finding her some eggs, because we always need more candy lying around the house
My handsome little man...who isn't so little anymore
Jake on the prowl...
Family Egg Dying Time
Kenadee working on her master piece..
two little goof balls....
and no matter what we tried he did not want to wake up to decorate eggs, he fell asleep at 6pm so I let him sleep until we were ready, woke him up and put him at the counter and he kept falling over, so finally he got down from the counter and walked to the couch and went to bed for the night
The finished product...
Easter Morning
Here's what the easter bunny brought the kids, here is the boys pile
and here is the girls pile
We had some eggs stuffed over from the neighborhood egg hunt that we left out and lo and behold the easter bunny hid them, so the kids on their way to find what the easter bunny hid
Jake getting all excited that he was able to find more eggs and more candy
Bailee in her easter dress
Curtis in his....what a handsome devil
Jake can't hold still long enough to look at the camera, so we just go with the flow
Kenadee looking all adorable in her clothes
Wight Family Easter Sunday
We went on another egg hunt, and yep you guessed it....more eggs and more candy. After the hunt we ate dinner and then the kids all went out and played games.
Jon helping Jake being the monkey in the middle
While we were there we also celebrated Jake's birthday, you could say that his birthday goes all month long-lucky kid!!
That's the end of our easter celebrations, we had some great fun and are grateful for everything that we have, and are grateful for the true meaning of Easter.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

My baby is 4.....

Everyone keeps asking me if I am sad that my last is now 4, and at first it was kind of weird, but not sad, more excited to be moving forward. That is until I came across his pictures of his birth and now I can't believe that my little 3 lb 7 oz baby is 4. It really seems like a blink of the eye and 4 years have just disappeared. Here is where he started, born 8 weeks premature, he only stayed in here for 2 days because he was getting to hot. Good sign for such a small baby, NEVER on oxygen, he was always able to breathe on his own, another good sign! So now all we had to wait for was for him to learn how to suck and eat!
He loved binkies from the beginning, even though it was bigger than his face.
His little hand curled around my finger, I am still in awe that this was MY baby...
Jake was always trying to put his hands in his mouth, but he ended up never sucking his fingers, we were lucky there. So after 2 1/2 weeks we were able to bring him home...a whole 4 lbs 4 ozs of him. He has been a fighter from the day that he was born and still to this day gives us a run for our money...but we wouldn't trade him for the world!!
He went from that little baby to my curly haired, adventurous, fun loving little man.
Since he was born during spring break that means more than likely we will be camping, we got a trailer his first summer and have had one ever since, so his birthdays have been while we are camping. SO this is his birthday:
He loves video games, so we went with a leapster (a little learning while having fun), action figures and being outside. He got some firemen and police action figures to go along with his.....
Firehouse that turns into a backpack so he can take it where ever he goes!!
Happy Birthday Buddy!!
We love you very much...
Since his b-day fell on Saturday this year and we left Wednesday we did his cake when we got home. He is such a simple kid that all he asked for was chocolate cake with green frosting!! I think I hit the nail on the head with this one.
Getting ready to blow out his candles....
huffin and puffin with all of his might....
Enjoying the fruits of his labors!!!
Happy Birthday!!!

Spring Breakin.....MOAB style

We decided to head to Moab for spring break, hoping for warmer weather-well we didn't find any warmer weather but we still had a great time!
We headed down with my dad, my Uncle Leon, my sister's family and the Drapers (friends of the family-grew up with them)
Bailee's hanging out trying to keep her lunch from blowing away and in the background is my Uncle Leon (dad's brother). We like to pack up our lunches and some snacks and head out and explore with the rangers, jeeps and four wheelers, we love it!!
The boys (Curtis, Hunter & Mason) all found a great place to eat their lunch, and sitting on the rock actually kept you warm!
the 3 musketeers-Bailee, Sage & Kenadee-I am so glad that I live by my sister that our kids could be able to play with each other and to form the bonds that they have with each other. They decided after lunch to hike up the mountain...
Friday was soooooo COLD that we decided that we didn't want to go out riding in that weather so we drove into Canyonlands National Park and Dead Horse Point State Park. SO here is a portion of our group and we were bundled up as much as we could. Here at Dead Horse Point the wind was blowing SO hard it felt like it was going to carry you off the point.
My girls playing games around the fire, at least they were getting along. It is always hit and miss with them.
If you can't tell that is Kenadee all bundled up, and when I say bundled this is what I mean: long sleeve shirt, short sleeve shirt, mittens, hat, fleece jacket & rain jacket. Good thing I planned for bad weather!!
This is all my kids and my sisters kids: left to right-Hunter, Curtis, Bailee, Sage & Kenadee
in the front-Jake, Paxton & Jade and believe it or not, all of these kids get along so well!!
Loving it
How Jake eats a marshmellow, not sure if any got in his mouth!
3 musketeers again, usually if you find one you find them all, and usually coming up with some crazy game!
On the way home, I had to put this picture in because that is part of his birthday present that he got while we were camping. He is our spring break baby, and so when I was asking him what he wanted for his birthday all he kept telling me was to be in the mountains!! Don't know how long that will last, he did ask to go on another zip line like he did for his 3rd birthday, but none around...maybe next year!!
Thanks for all the wonderful memories everyone, we had a great time!!

Boys WILL BE boys...and you gotta love 'em

Well this is how he looked right after, but it all started the night before we were to head to Moab for spring break. My boys were downstairs playing and you could hear them wrestling and so to be honest, I tune it out, well all of a sudden I hear a blood curdling scream and run down the stairs and hear Curtis say he's bleeding (at this point still not to worried the boys are ALWAYS getting bloody noses) so then I come around the corner and he is holding his head and there is blood everywhere. So I run to the bathroom-throwing the girls out of the way in the process and grab some toilet paper and rush back to Curtis. So this picture is the end product so scroll and down and see the beginning.
He thought that he looked pretty cool with the head wrap and the camo pj's. He ended up wearing this all week to keep all the dirt and sand out of his wound.
The doctor decided to just do staples and so here we are right after the staples got put in his head. This isn't what hurt, the numbing shot is what really had Curtis hurting, but once it was numb the dr put in the staples and Curtis asked when he was going to start and they were already done-thank heavens!!
Picture quality is not that great, this is at Wee Care and so I am just taking these with my phone. This is the before the dr. came in to have a look, so I took some photos for Curtis to be able to see what it looked like since he couldn't see it.
GROSS-but I actually kept my cool, mom mode kicked in and I handled it (thank goodness for mom mode, because I HATE stuff like this)
All in all Curtis was quite the trooper, and he loved showing off his staples to everyone!!