Monday, August 17, 2009


Jon's company took us to Lagoon for the day. They provided the entrance fee and also dinner that night. So we packed us a lunch and headed to Lagoon at about 10:30am and didn't end up getting home until 11pm. The kids had a great time, as you can tell.
Jake wasn't sure about any of the rides, he never cried, but you could never tell if he was having a good time or not. He must of enjoyed it because the minute you would get off the ride he would point to the ride and say "GO" so that's a good sign. He didn't like that he couldn't go on all the rides, but then again neither could my other kids. We aren't the tallest people ya know. So Jon would have to take turns on the ones where they weren't big enough to ride by themselves. It was a great time, even better that we didn't have to pay a dime!
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Jess said...

What cute pictures! We love Lagoon but haven't been this year since we didn't buy passes. Next year we'll live it up :)

I am loving Jake's curly hair. They are all so dang cute!

Jill Hess said...

Your kids are so cute!!

lisa said...

Sounds like a great day. I love that Lagoon totally wears the kids out!

Liz and Tori Shields said...

That was a fun day- I about maxed out on excitement- Ladybug Bop and Tidal Wave- I am a maniac! No, I did try the Colosses for the first time ever- I miss having little ones who are satisfied with Puff the Dragon Coaster!