Trying to catch up AGAIN!!
Kenadee was just excited about this coming out as she was about her birthday. Depending on the day you asked what she was most excited about it would be my birthday or the show. I am not going to lie to ya. I loved this just as much or maybe more that the kids did. It was really good.
This is us in the theatre. My sister Michelle and her daughter Sage and my mom came with us. We went all the way to the Gateway just so that we could have reserved seating. Which is so nice if you ask me, no waiting in long lines and running to get good seats. It is so nice!! I really liked this theatre because of 1-they had little sacks that I could fill up with popcorn so that they felt like they had there own, 2-little trays that they could put on there laps that held there popcorn and drinks, and 3-can't say enough about the reserved seating!
Outside the theatre they had these life size posters of the cast of HSM so we couldn't resist and got pictures. Bailee, Sage and Kenadee in front of Troy and Gabriella.
Ryan, Sharpay, Chad, Taylor, Troy and Gabriella with the girls.
Happy 6th Birthday Kenadee!!
I took Kenadee and her friends to Beyond Spa for her birthday party. She invited Sage, Abby, Lauren, Rachel, Gracie and of course her sister Bailee. Check out what these beautiful ladies got to do. I was jealous. The birthday girl was given a birthday crown. Love the pose!
Five of the girls got to lay on the table and put cucumbers on their eyes and then they got hand massages, foot massages and mini facials. It was cute to see all of them laying there. Kenadee thought that it was great. Best birthday ever!
Starting from the left to right: Abby (cousin), Rachel, Gracie, Kenadee and Bailee. Kenadee is getting her hand massage right now.
Foot Massage
Then while five were laying on the table the other two were getting there toes done. Beyond Spa had three different colors of polish that the girls could choose from. Bailee and Kenadee getting there toes done.
I thought that this was such a cute picture. At the time five of them were all laying on the table with cucumbers on but I couldn't get them all in the picture at the same time. So this is Kenadee, Sage & Lauren (my cousins daughter)
All of the girls together. Abby, Gracie, Bailee, Rachel, Kenadee, Abby & Lauren. After it was over they each got a goodie bag with a candy necklace and bracelet and also a small thing of nail polish. They also got flip flops to wear out. We got back into the car and all the girls were saying that it was the bestest birthday pary that they had ever been to. It was a lot of fun to watch the girls get pampered. Notice I said girls, there was no pampering for mom!
Kenadee's cake. Can you tell we are into High School Musical?
Kenadee opening her presents. She got some great stuff. A large coloring pad, Hannah Montana stuff, HSM stuff, cool necklace with a doll inside and a pony. She also got HSM game for the Wii, HSM soundtrack, 2 HSM shirts and a trip to the movie of HSM.
Halloween Party
Halloween Party with my family. My sister Michelle had it at her house. It was fun to see all the kids in there costumes.
This is all Jake would do, and he wouldn't go down the right way so he would just go head first and crash into the grass and then get up and do it again. You can't really tell what he is but he is a sheriff.
You are a little behind on this you know!! I guess it doesn't help that you don't have internet at home!
I can't believe how big the kids are getting. I love the picture with Curtis and Jake...they are absolutely adorable.
My blog went private. I would invite you but I don't have an email address for you. My email is if you want to email me. I miss talking to you I need to give you a call.
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